Why TBI survivors
should know about PBA

Pseudobulbar Affect, or PBA, is a condition that causes uncontrollable crying and/or laughing that happens suddenly and frequently. It can happen in people with a brain injury or certain neurologic conditions, including traumatic brain injury (TBI).

52% of TBI patients

have symptoms that may suggest PBA, according to a survey of 590 TBI patients (or their caregivers).*

*Brooks BR et al. PRISM: A Novel Research Tool to assess the Prevalence of Pseudobulbar Affect Symptoms across Neurological Conditions. 2013. PLOS ONE 8(8): e72232.

Get to know Amy

Amy is a TBI survivor living with PBA.

Amy suffered a traumatic brain injury (TBI) after a major accident. She recounted having crying and laughing episodes at the hospital and the doctors telling her that it was a result of her brain injury. “I didn’t know if I was ever going to get over it.”

Laura, Amy’s best friend and caregiver, was there to support her from day one. “We first started talking about PBA before we even knew what it was, before Amy was able to recognize what was going on with her,” Laura said.

Amy’s episodes would come on suddenly and at the most inconvenient times, like on Thanksgiving at her neighbor’s house. “I had a mouthful of food, and I spit it out all over the table because I started laughing.”

“There was nothing funny said,” Laura added. “It was just a reaction, and we were both kind of puzzled by it.”

Then Amy saw a commercial about PBA that changed everything for her. “It was like the sky opened. I finally knew the name for it.” She made an appointment with her primary care physician and received a diagnosis for PBA.

Now Amy hopes to encourage others to speak to their healthcare provider about the episodes they may be experiencing. “PBA is a real condition that you can do something about,” she said.

Image removed.

I didn’t know if I was ever going to get better.

Amy is a real patient and has been compensated.

Take the PBA Quiz

Have you or a loved one suffered from a TBI and are now experiencing uncontrollable crying and/or laughing episodes? Take the PBA Quiz and share the results with your healthcare provider.


The PBA Quiz

Could you or someone you care for have PBA?

PBA can happen in people with a brain injury or certain neurologic conditions. There's a 7-question quiz to help determine if you or your loved one is experiencing symptoms that could suggest PBA.

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Person question

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SFMC OPT Status AVANIR - Brand Opt - All Channels
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Survey Question & Answers
SFMC Survey Response - Person question
SFMC Survey Response - Feel fine one minute
SFMC Survey Response - Become amused very easily
SFMC Survey Response - Crying very easily
SFMC Survey Response - Control my laughter
SFMC Survey Response - Thinking of anything happy
SFMC Survey Response - Control my crying
SFMC Survey Response - Overcome by laughter
SFMC Survey Response - Feel fine one minute
SFMC Survey Response - Become amused very easily
SFMC Survey Response - Crying very easily
SFMC Survey Response - Control my laughter
SFMC Survey Response - Thinking of anything happy
SFMC Survey Response - Control my crying
SFMC Survey Response - Overcome by laughter
SFMC Survey Response - Underlying condition
SFMC Survey Response - I Agree
SFMC Survey Response - I Understand

The PBA Quiz is based on the Center for Neurologic Study-Lability Scale (CNS-LS). This assessment was developed by healthcare professionals to help doctors determine whether a person is having PBA symptoms. It has been validated in ALS (Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis) and MS (Multiple Sclerosis) patient populations. The PBA Quiz is not a diagnostic tool and is not intended to substitute professional medical assessment and/or advice. Only a healthcare provider can diagnosis PBA.

Talk to your healthcare provider about PBA

Make an appointment with your healthcare provider. Then prepare for your appointment by reviewing our doctor discussion resources.